Luiss – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli – is an independent University. Luiss offers an innovative educational approach at its four Departments: Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Law, and Political Science.

Its goal is not simply to convey knowledge but to instill flexibility in young people, giving them a sense of mastery over their future.

Furthermore, Luiss has four Schools for graduate and professional studies: the Luiss Business School, the School of Government, the School of Law, and the School of European Political Economy.

LUISS, through its Business School develops and promotes research in different academic fields with a focus on Strategy and Corporate Renewal, Corporate Governance and Performance Measurement, as well as Innovation and Organization Design.

The research is grounded in knowledge of business processes and corporate environments and covers emergent key areas, such as Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability.

The experiential activities and the personal leadership are a bridge between the needs of the corporate and public organizations, and academic world. LUISS provides undergraduate and post-graduate education, in
addition to a range of Double Degree programs, in the fields of finance, business, management, law and political science.

The university is supported by Confindustria, the main Italian confederation of industries.