

15th June 2021 – Starting of the field measuring campaign

On 15th June 2021 the field measuring campaign for season 2021 officially started. [...]

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10th June 2021 – First visit to the Spanish pilot site

Unfortunately, for the pandemic situation due to COVID-19, the first visit to Spain by the Italian Team was delayed in June 2021, when representatives of the lead partner TUSCIA [...]

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24th May 2021 – Field workshop “Precision viticulture: strategy for adaptation and mitigation to climate change”

The precision viticulture can now be seen as an important tool to mitigate the climate change’s effects and reduce the inputs on the vineyard; emphasizing this concept has been [...]

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13th May 2021 First Visit to Spanish vineyard

The Spanish Partner visited the Spanish pilot study for defining the activity. [...]

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29th April 2021 – Presentation of the project to the webinar organized by Smart City Labs

On 29th April 2021, in occasion of the Webinar organized by Smart City Labs, with the aim of stimulating the regional ecosystem, the project LIFE WINEgROVER was presented by [...]

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1st April 2021 – First monitoring visit in the Italian pilot vineyard

On 1st April 2021, we received the visit from the EU external monitor, Doctor Carlo Ponzio, with the purpose of showing the experimental workflow; this meeting was anticipated by [...]

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12th March 2021 – Project Management Board – Project Technical Committee

The online meeting of the Project Management Board – Project Technical Committee was held to define the activities to be carried out during the first growing season and the [...]

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25th February 2021 – Establishment of the experimental design

With the aim of reducing the environmental impact on the bunch quality and decreasing the input in the vineyard, three strategies were established, as follows: early leaf removal of [...]

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19th October 2020 – First survey to the Italian pilot site

On 19th October 2020, the Italian partners – UNITUS, SETEL and CREA – carried out the first survey to the Italian winery “Falesco”. On this occasion, the important task [...]

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Project Kick-off Meeting

The project kick-off was held in Rome at the Luiss Business School.During the day, the objectives of the LIFE WINEGROVER project and the actions that the partners will undertake [...]

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